

Chinese Poverty Allication Studies:

 A Political Economy Perspective 

Published by: New China Research (NCR)
Poverty alleviation in China has gone beyond the established theories of classic textbooks, and China’s eradication of absolute poverty on such a large scale is a first in history. This milestone calls for a new approach in understanding more precisely the country’s methods in ending deprivation.
While summarizing China’s achievements in poverty alleviation, especially its achievements over the last eight years, this report outlines the practical methods of precise poverty alleviation in China, explores the rationale behind the Studies, and discusses its global implications.

World Insights


At the end of 2020, China met its target of eradicating poverty as planned. Behind the feat are inspirational stories that have injected confidence into the global poverty reduction cause.

Over the past 40 years, China has lifted 770 million rural residents out of poverty, contributing to more than 70% of global poverty reduction. Here's an animation showing part of China's poverty alleviation efforts.

This Miao village in Hunan, central China, has undergone a drastic transformation from poverty to prosperity. The average per capita annual income soared 11 times from 258 U.S. dollars to 2,841 U.S. dollars in seven years.

In 2020, China secured a decisive victory in poverty eradication. What was the year like for residents who just bid farewell to poverty? Check out this story of an ethnic Miao villager in a remote region in Yunnan, China.